Freitag, März 14, 2025


Hangman, hangman slack your rope
Slack it for a while
I think I see my father comin'
Ridin' many a mile,
Papa did you bring me silver?
Papa, did you bring me gold?
Did you come to see me hang in'
By the gallows pole?
I couldn't bring no silver
Didn't bring no gold
I come to see you hangin' boy
By the gallows pole

Hangman, hangman, slack your rope
Slack it for a while
Think I see my mother comin'
Ridin' many a mile
Mama, did you bring me silver?
Mama, did you bring me gold?
Did you come to see me hangin'
By the gallows pole?
I didn't bring no silver
Didn't bring no gold
I come to see you hangin' child,
By the gallows pole

Hangman, hangman, slack your rope
Slack it for a while
Think I see my sweetheart comin'
Ridin' many a mile
Honey, did you bring me silver?
Honey, did you bring me gold?
Did you come to see me hangin'
By the gallows pole?
I brought you silver
Brought you a little gold
Didn't come to see you hangin'
By the gallows pole


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